About No Idea HI! Welcome to the page that describes the creation of... well we have no idea exactly, probably another forgotten webcomic on the vast and exponential (like the graph) sea of webspace. Maybe not... There actually wasn't a basic premise for this comic when we (the fabulous Laura Hulbert and I) started it. Basically Laura and I were talking about philosophy on the delightful program MSN (short for, "Me Speak Nogoodengrish") when Laura said, "hey alex..." to which I wittily replied, "yeah?" and laura gracefully countered, "wanna start a webcomic?" and so a legend was born. Now on to the nitty gritty. We actually had no name for our webcomic, bugga. So we conversed about this topic for some time, "What are we gonna call it?" I asked, "I have no idea..." "That'll do." So we gave our comic a name and a reason for life, to have No Idea. At least the initials were good, expect some Search For The Holy Grail parodies in the future. So, name, what would it be about then? It began as a self insert manga... then I decided (yes, when making a webcomic one does not discuss these things with their friend/cg artist/co-creator do they? no, they make all their decisions ALONE, cause that would be DUMB) that that would CRAP. Well, it would, I don't like telling people about myself, so anything I wrote would be censored to the point people couldn't believe the charcters. Besides, I'm boring, I like horses, I'm still in high school, I have angry political views (oh yeah, DO NOT mention george bush... I feel funny about the man...). Wow, well that sounded bad too... onto what we catually did! Look, the original character shots! Ami was much more agressive to begin with, but I thought she was too me like. Dale was more demure, but what kind of samurai is demure? DALE KICK @$$!!! Well, that's about all I can be bothered with... No Idea is written and drawn by me (alex) and cg'd by Laura. Laura rocks. Each chapter is started with a word from a song, a jukebox is done at the end of each chapter, containing the full lyrics... if they can be found! More will be written as the plot continues!